Our Partners

RHSP has made several collaborations and partnerships to conduct innovative and relevant health research in infectious diseases, communicable and non-communicable diseases and reproductive health and to provide health related services in order to improve public health and inform policy.

The partnerships forged by RHSP are pivotal to achieving our mission and vision of conducting innovative health research and improving public health outcomes. By collaborating with esteemed institutions such as Makerere University, UVRI, and NIH, we gain access to cutting-edge resources, expertise, and funding opportunities, enabling us to conduct groundbreaking research in infectious diseases, communicable and non-communicable diseases, and reproductive health.

These collaborations not only enhance our capacity for scientific discovery but also strengthen our ability to provide essential health services and inform evidence-based policies that have a lasting impact on public health locally and globally. Through strategic partnerships with academic institutions, research organisations, and funding agencies, we are able to leverage collective expertise and resources to address complex health challenges, drive innovation, and ultimately improve the health and well-being of communities around the world.

Government of Uganda

As our primary partner, the Government of Uganda provides crucial support and guidance in implementing healthcare policies and initiatives aimed at addressing the nation's healthcare challenges, including the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. 

Through collaboration with various ministries and agencies, we work together to ensure the effective delivery of healthcare services to communities across Uganda

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Makerere University

We have a longstanding partnership with Makerere University, a leading academic institution in Uganda. Together, we conduct cutting-edge research, train healthcare professionals, and develop innovative solutions to combat HIV/AIDS and improve public health outcomes. 

Makerere University's expertise in health sciences and research excellence complements our efforts to advance knowledge and innovation in the fight against HIV/AIDS.


Fred Makumbi Joseph Kagaayi​​

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Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI)

UVRI is a key partner in our research endeavours, providing state-of-the-art facilities and expertise in virology and infectious diseases. Through collaborative research projects, we investigate the epidemiology and transmission dynamics of HIV/AIDS, develop new diagnostic tools, and evaluate the efficacy of prevention and treatment interventions. 

UVRI's contributions play a critical role in informing evidence-based strategies for HIV/AIDS control and prevention.


Tom Lutalo

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National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Division of Intramural Research at NIAID and ICER

Our collaboration with NIH's Division of Intramural Research at NIAID and ICER enables us to conduct groundbreaking research in immunology, virology, and infectious diseases. 

Together, we explore new avenues for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and vaccine development, leveraging NIH's cutting-edge scientific expertise and resources to accelerate progress towards ending the HIV/AIDS pandemic.


Steve Reynolds Andrew Redd ​​Chris Whalen

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

CDC is a trusted partner in our efforts to prevent and control HIV/AIDS. Through collaborative projects, we strengthen disease surveillance systems, conduct epidemiological studies, and implement evidence-based interventions to reduce HIV transmission and improve outcomes for people living with HIV/AIDS. 

CDC's technical assistance and support are instrumental in guiding our public health programs and policies.

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Johns Hopkins University

Our partnership with the Johns Hopkins University, specifically the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health enhances our capacity for research, training, and program implementation in HIV/AIDS and global health. 

Together, we conduct interdisciplinary research studies, train the next generation of public health leaders, and develop innovative approaches to address emerging challenges in HIV/AIDS prevention and control. Johns Hopkins' expertise in epidemiology, biostatistics, and health policy strengthens our efforts to improve health outcomes for communities affected by HIV/AIDS.


Aaron Tobian ​​Caitilin Kennedy Jade Jackson

Kate Grabowski​​​ ​Larry Chang​​ ​     ​Maria Wawer

Oliver Laeyendecker ​​​​Ping Teresa Yeh Ronald H. Gray

Thomas Quinn ​​​​​William Checkley    

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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a strategic partner in our mission to end the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Through generous funding and technical support, the foundation enables us to scale up innovative interventions, expand access to HIV testing and treatment services, and advocate for policy changes to support HIV/AIDS prevention and care. 

Together, we work towards achieving the ambitious goal of an AIDS-free generation, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy and productive life.

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Karolinska Institute

Our collaboration with Karolinska Institute, a leading medical university in Sweden, strengthens our research capacity and enhances our understanding of HIV/AIDS and related diseases. 

Through joint research projects and exchange programs, we share knowledge, expertise, and best practices in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care. Karolinska Institute's commitment to scientific excellence and global health equity aligns with our vision of creating a world where HIV/AIDS is no longer a threat to public health.

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Cornell University

Cornell University's expertise in health sciences and research methodology enriches our research portfolio and strengthens our capacity for evidence-based decision-making in HIV/AIDS prevention and control. 

Through collaborative research projects and academic exchanges, we leverage Cornell's multidisciplinary approach to address complex challenges in HIV/AIDS research, from understanding the social determinants of health to evaluating the effectiveness of interventions in diverse populations. 


Brad Jones ​Adam Ward ​Guin Lee

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London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Our partnership with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine expands our global network of research collaborators and enhances our capacity for research, training, and policy advocacy in HIV/AIDS and tropical medicine. Together, we conduct interdisciplinary research studies, develop innovative interventions, and train healthcare professionals to address the evolving challenges of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases. 

The London School's expertise in epidemiology, health economics, and health systems strengthens our efforts to achieve sustainable impact in HIV/AIDS prevention and control, particularly in resource-limited settings.

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University of Oxford

Our collaboration with the Big Data Institute at the University of Oxford harnesses the power of data science and analytics to inform evidence-based decision-making in HIV/AIDS prevention and control. Through collaborative research projects and data sharing agreements, we leverage big data technologies to analyse large-scale datasets, identify trends and patterns in HIV transmission, and evaluate the impact of interventions on disease outcomes. 

The Big Data Institute's expertise in computational biology, machine learning, and epidemiology strengthens our capacity for data-driven research and innovation in the fight against HIV/AIDS.


Lucie Abeler-Dorner ​​Christophe Fraser David Bonsall

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Western University - Canada

Western University's commitment to global health equity and social justice aligns with our mission to combat HIV/AIDS and improve health outcomes for marginalised populations. Through collaborative research projects, academic exchanges, and capacity-building initiatives, we leverage Western University's expertise in health promotion, community engagement, and health systems strengthening to address the root causes of health disparities and promote health equity. 

Our partnership with Western University contributes to advancing knowledge and innovation in HIV/AIDS research and strengthening health systems to achieve sustainable impact in communities affected by HIV/AIDS.


Jessica Prodger 

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Columbia University in the City of New York

Our partnership with Columbia University in the City of New York enhances our capacity for research, training, and program implementation in HIV/AIDS and global health. Together, we conduct interdisciplinary research studies, develop innovative interventions, and train the next generation of public health leaders to address the complex challenges of HIV/AIDS prevention and control. 

Columbia University's expertise in epidemiology, biostatistics, and health policy strengthens our efforts to improve health outcomes for communities affected by HIV/AIDS, particularly in urban settings.


John Santelli Phillip Kreniske 

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University of Toronto

The University of Toronto's commitment to academic excellence and social responsibility aligns with our mission to combat HIV/AIDS and promote health equity worldwide. Through collaborative research projects, academic exchanges, and capacity-building initiatives, we leverage the University of Toronto's expertise in health sciences, public health, and global health governance to address the social, economic, and political determinants of health. 

Our partnership with the University of Toronto contributes to advancing knowledge and innovation in HIV/AIDS research and strengthening health systems to achieve sustainable impact.


Rupert Kaul 

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Imperial College of London

Imperial College London's commitment to academic excellence and social responsibility aligns with our mission to combat HIV/AIDS and promote health equity worldwide. Through collaborative research projects, academic exchanges, and capacity-building initiatives, we leverage Imperial College London's expertise in health sciences, public health, and global health governance to address the social, economic, and political determinants of health.

Our partnership with Imperial College London advances knowledge and innovation in HIV/AIDS research and strengthens health systems to achieve a sustainable impact. For more information, please visit their website.


Oliver Ratmann

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PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief)

PEPFAR is a cornerstone of our efforts to combat HIV/AIDS and improve health outcomes for millions of people around the world. As a major funder and partner, PEPFAR provides financial and technical support to scale up HIV testing, treatment, and prevention programs, strengthen health systems, and promote policy changes to support HIV/AIDS control and prevention efforts. 

Together, we work towards achieving the ambitious goals of the global HIV/AIDS response, ensuring that everyone has access to quality HIV/AIDS services and support to lead healthy and productive lives.

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Join us in our mission to advance health research and improve public health outcomes globally.

Collaborate for Health, Innovate for Impact.